Features Guide

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Revision as of 14:10, 29 November 2016 by SNC (Talk | contribs)

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Basic Navigation

The top stripe is the toolbar area:
Below that are the standard content tabs:

The first two content tabs show all your series

  • dZDropzone - All your series in their natural groupings
  • Workbench - All your series, without groupings, for maximum flexibility

Tools for Getting Data

  • dZ-Dot - data from the Web, automatically updated
  • dZSlates - scheduled data collection from outside contributors
  • Uploader - data from your own files and spreadsheets

Displays - to build, share, publish - automatically updating


  • ComputeCloud - time series calculations, automatically updated
  • dZBoards - to arrange and narrate your data-driven displays
  • dZ-Mirror - a plug-in that feeds Excel from dataZoa displays, automatically updated

Organizers and time-savers

  • dZCorkboard - a handy way to drag, drop and order series in displays
  • GroupLists - flexible, formal data groupings
  • API - to automate data flows