About Series Maintenance

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Series Maintenance


Any series in your account can be kept fully private, made public, or selectively shared with known individuals:

  •  Private data cannot be viewed outside of your account
    • One exception: You can explicitly grant viewing permission to other dataZoa accounts by using Workbench → Share... → Share to particular people
    • Your own uploaded data is marked private by default
  •  Public data can be freely viewed outside of your account

Changing Permissions

  • From the Workbench or the dropZone you can quickly switch a series between public and private just by clicking on the sharing status icon (
  • To explicitly share a single series, click on the sharing icon
    . This brings up a dialog box where you can enter the dataZoa users you want to share with.
  • Any series that are shared out of your account show a sharing status icon
    . Hover for a quick count, or click for more information.
  • You can set permissions for several series at once using the Workbench→Sharing... menu.
  • Remember:
    • Series should be marked Public if you are going to use them in public facing charts and tables.
    • When you change a series from Public to Private, check its sharing status, to see if there are any series "borrowers" who might be affected.


In the workbench, check-mark the series you would like to delete, then press the Delete button. dataZoa will then generate a panel telling you various ways the checked series are in use, and ask you to confirm or cancel the deletion.

Important: Series deletion is not reversible.


When you are using automatically updated data from around the Web, data editing is not required.

When you are using privately uploaded data, your approach to editing likely depends on your approach to uploading. Look here for guidance.


From Within Your dataZoa Account

In the workbench, check-mark the series of interest and use the Export... button to select a file type and start a download.

In the dropZone, you can export a block of series by using the gear icon to use the File ... Export Series menu choice.

From Displays

When the Export
icon is visible in a display, the display's owner has chosen to offer the data behind the display for export to interested viewers. This exporting tool offers a variety of file formats and options.

If you want to limit the time-span of a series export, the export from displays offers a date range option.