Harmonized Data

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Revision as of 15:11, 5 December 2016 by SNC (Talk | contribs) (Missing Values Handling)

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Today's Web is filled with Open Data - hundreds of authoritative, original data sources, freely accessible to everyone.

Before dataZoa, the actual practice of using Open Data sources was time-consuming, messy and painful. A major portion of time was wasted on "data drudgery"; cleaning, aligning, pasting, re-typing and such. All before any real thought or analysis could begin.

As you bring data into dataZoa, it is harmonized (or "normalized") so that any series can work with any other. While we preserve all the original series documentation, we load the dates and values into an idealized time series. This automatically handles the specific nuances of time series data:

Date Handling



Date Range


Date Formats


Data Value Handling

Missing Values Handling

Values can be "missing" for different reasons, with different implications. dataZoa recognizes several different types of missing values and treats them appropriately.

Formal specifications are here.


In all calculations, missing data has the highest precedence; e.g. a number plus an NA yields an NA. Specialized functions in the ComputeCloud can be used for specialized handling, such as carry-forward, etc.


By default, No Data (ND) formats as a blank, while NA, and NDD data are formatted with "NA" and "NDD", respectively. To fine tune these representations, see Displays.


Missing values are typically shown as gaps.

Value Formatting