LatestValues Editor Column Settings Tab

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Column Selection

A LatestValues display can have up to 9 columns of data, each of which can be individually specified and formatted. Each column has its own numbered sub-tab indicating what to show and how to show it.

Column 1
Column 2
Column 9N

Display Settings:

Display SettingsYear-over-Year, where "down" is good...
ShowWhat to show; latest, prior, etcPercent Change
TimespanNumber and type of earlier values to show1 Year
ArrowsRed/Green indicator arrowsDown is Green
DateShow date of the observation right in the column
UnitsShow date of the observation right in the column

 Notes on Display Settings:
  • When "Latest Values" or "External Data" are selected, the Timespan (offset) and Arrows settings have no effect. The most recent values are always displayed.
  • When "Prior Values" is selected, the Arrows setting has no effect.
  • When "Prior Values" are displayed for Weekly data, values and dates shown are for the week inclusive of N periods in the past, and this can have subtle consequences. For example, showing Weekly data for One Month ago may show data in the current or prior calendar month, depending on calendar details.

 Showing values from unrelated series as a column in a LatestValues Display

Generally speaking, each column in a LatestValues Display derives from its row Series. By choosing External Data for a column, you can show values from Series that are not among the rows of the display itself.

To designate these External series, you provide the name of a GroupList that lists the Series of interest in the order you like. This column then shows the latest value for each Series in that GroupList.

Remember: Changes to the GroupList will affect this embed.

Usage Notes:

  • The dates of the displayed values will match those of the primary data series (seen under "Row Settings").
  • If the GroupList contains more series then the primary data then the extra series are ignored.
  • Empty values indicate either a missing series or lack of a value on the specified date.
  • If all values are empty, check that you have correctly entered the name of a valid, non-empty GroupList.
  • This data is only exported with the download tool when using the "Only Data as Shown" option.


Header Settings:

Display Settings
Custom LabelFree text/(limited)htmlY/Y % Chg
Show HeaderShow or suppress column header entirely

Cell Formatting (column N only) button

Tabular displays have highly refined formatting options. This tab controls formatting for the selected row. All rows can be formatted at once in the LatestValues Settings tab. Read about the cell formatting tab here.