ComputeCloud Formula Examples
From dataZoa Wiki
Formulas with just one Input Variable:
Purpose | Formula |
Simple 10 Point Moving Average |
{ Movavg(V1,10) } |
Set tooltip prefix, suffix, decimals and date format (%B= Month full name, %b = Month abbreviation, %m = Month number, %d = Day number, %Y = 4 digit year, %y = 2 digit year). |
{ tooltip: { valuePrefix:'$', valueSuffix:' USD', valueDecimals:2, xDateFormat:'%b-%d-%Y' } } |
Separate tooltips for each series displayed one-at-a-time (e.g. for whichever series is being hovered over). |
{ tooltip: { shared:false } } |
Separate tooltips foe each series displayed simultaneously. |
{ tooltip: { split:true } } |