ComputeCloud Formula Examples

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Formulas with just one input Variable V1:

Purpose Formula Notes
Simple 10 Point Moving AverageMovavg(V1,10)
Remove MeanV1-Mean(V1)
Index to 100Index(V1)
Percent ChangeIndex(v1)-100
Convert to QuarterlySetFreq(V1, 'Quarterly', 'Avg', 'PrecAuto', 'Trim')Many details to consider in Periodicity conversions!
Replicate a series but with a constant value(v1-v1)+3.14159Subtracting V1 from itself gives a series with all zeroes but preserves the Periodicity and dates.
Average just the latest 10 points of a Seriesv1-v1+mean(extract(V1,length(V1)-9,10))Preserves Periodicity and dates.