Display Options Tab

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Revision as of 11:27, 11 April 2024 by SNC (Talk | contribs) (Examples)

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Your dataZoa account can apply a variety of style overrides and functionality to your displays.


Key Concepts
  • The Display Options are a means of custom-styling your displays from a central location.
  • A Custom-styling is (typically) CSS or Javascript you add to the HTML headers or footers of displays owned by your account.
  • You can add your own stylings or override those used by default by dataZoa

Adding/Editing Display Options

In the housekeeping toolbar, "pick Profile/Preferences under the 'gear' menu".


This brings you to a multi-tab page with various account attributes:

  • Access the account-wide display options, use the Gear button and choose the Profile/Preferences entry.
  • Use the Display Options panel to examine or edit the headers and footers.
  • Note that the custom header and footer fields are empty by default.


Note: These examples presume some degree of familiarity with common Web technologies like CSS and Javascript.

Example: Enlarge downloader dialog box

dataZoa Displays typically have a download button for visitors to grab the data shown. By default, the button brings up a compact dialog box. These options will re-style it to be a bit larger:

  • Add to the header section:

    <style type="text/css"> .DZOptionsRow .EMCT-DateSelect { width:8em; height: initial; display:inline-block; } </style>

  • Add to the header section:

    <script type="text/javascript"> $(".EMCT-Overlay").css("font-size", "large"); >/script>
