Widget Editor Settings Tab

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Field Description
Title Display title to be shown above the Widget.
Display Type Select the base Widget type; options include: Line, Spline, Area, Area Spline, Bar, Column, Pie, Donut and Semi Circle
3D effect Whether or not to render the Widget using a 3D effect.
Not applicable for area type displays.
Shading Whether or not to apply a gradient fill to the charted series.
Valud stacking Whether or not the values of each series are stacked on top of each other and how.
Not applicable for pie type displays.
Axis Label Label to be shown along the vertical axis. In the case of pie type displays this will be shown next to values in tooltips.
Time Frame The range of data to be charted with the Widget allowing for a limited portion of the available observations to be shown.
Start date Specify a valid date (mm/dd/yyyy), the keyword Earliest or the keyword Latest.
Not applicable for pie type displays.
End date Specify a valid date (mm/dd/yyyy) or the keyword Latest.
Dimensions The Width and Height of the Widget display upon being embedded.
The Size and Shape Preview to the right will provide a visual representation of the Widget's aspect ration for the given dimensions.
Overflow Handling Whether to allow scrolling or clip overflow.
This is an advanced setting and should typically be left at it's default, 'Allow Scrolling'. For full details, hover on the
within the Widget editor.