Template:Chart Styles Tab

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Chart TitleSets the title at the top of the chart.
Chart Type
The settings on the panel adapt according to the chart type selected.
Line, Bar, Stick, Stacked BarThese types are all longitudinal over time and may be mixed and matched at the series level.
Scatter PlotObservations paired in time, plotted as X versus Y.
Bubble ChartObservations grouped in time, show as X versus Y with Area.
Pie ChartCross-section of observations at one point in time.
Categorical Bar ChartCross-section of observations at one point in time.
Legend and LabelsControls row/column layout of legendsParticularly useful in charts with many series.
Time FrameOptions to show all or a limited portion of the available observations.Time frame may be fixed or data-driven at either end.
SortingOrder of appearance in legend; alphabetical or numerically ranked.
Use ShadingApplies a shading effect to solid color areas, like pie chart segments.
GridsStyle settings for gridsColor options for grids are set below in the Preview section.
Epochal OverlayColors chart background to show US political eras over time.
Politics can be fun!
Table at BottomAdds a tabular view of the chart data.This option is only available for single-series charts.