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(Created page with " ==2016== * November 7, 2016 ** Added new Census: Small Area Health Insurance Estimates (SAHIE) source to the data index. * October 19, 2016 ** Fixed the issues with displayi...")
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** Full release of Tag:CODE_BREAKING_EDITORS - Stripped HTML code for "Row Settings" options for easier row identification.
** Full release of Tag:CODE_BREAKING_EDITORS - Stripped HTML code for "Row Settings" options for easier row identification.
== The Log 2015 ==
* December 20, 2015
* December 20, 2015
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*** Tests to prevent mismatch of "allow Replacement" and presence of series keys in input
*** Tests to prevent mismatch of "allow Replacement" and presence of series keys in input
MCB 09-16NOV2015 - Release to ZOA and HYDRA(all)
* November 19, 2015
* EMCTOOL_FIXUPS - IE Download Bug + EMCTool Context Issues :: Ensure we're passing template alternates around as needed to display/share/export the correct thing.
** Full release of Tag:EMCTOOL_FIXUPS - IE Download Bug + EMCTool Context Issues - Ensure we're passing template alternates around as needed to display/share/export the correct thing.
* Complete review of all locations where glname, xsectdate, alttitle (all used with template tables and cross sectional displays) are getting put into and pull out of the querystring to ensure proper encoding and decoding, especially for glname and alttitle which may contain non-valid URL characters.  
** Full release of Tag:EMCTOOL_OVERHAUL  - A large scale overhaul of the embed tools to standardize and simplify them as well as add 2 new tools (email and sms sharing).
* NOTE: In all 4 dzc-embed.asp files I've changed get_arg("glname") to get_arg_nonencode("glname") in the 'view' action. This is the correct use and I didn't encounter any issues when testing, but if anything "weird" starts happening (more likely for legacy embeds) this would be a good place to look first.
** Full release of Tag:LV_MORE_COLS_CALCS - Added some enhancements (more columns and calculations) to LatestValue embeds
* A few other minor fixes/tweaks were done; additionally a few pre-existing bugs were discovered and will be documented in the wiki page "BugReports".
* Changed Files:
** /data/download.asp, messagesvc.asp
** /dz-control/dzc_chart.asp, dzc_dviewd1.asp, dzc_latestvalues.asp, dzc_table.asp
** /dz-model/dzm_DAL.asp, dzm_embed_chart.asp, dzm_dviewd1.asp, dzm_embed_latestvalues.asp, dzm_embed_table.asp
** /dz-view/dzv_embedcommon.aspm, dzv_grouplist.asp
** inc/dz_util.asp
** /js/message.js, util.js
** /js/jquery/embeddedCommon.js
** /myDZ/dfront.asp
** /popover/EMCTools.asp
** /publish/export.asp
** ../HelperFunctions/MBWHelper.asp
MCB 02-04NOV2015 - Released to Zoa and Hydra(MBDCAD only)
* September 3, 2015
** Quick fix for dZ-Mirror adding exception for pasting_to_excel() in dzv_senders_buttonbar()
* A minor tweak to the JS controlling the animated Target to ensure the animation doesn't constantly reset as the mouse movers over page.
** Tag:DZBOARD_NO_DEFAULT_GREETING - functional change so that default greeting is an empty string rather than the name of the board
* Changed Files:
** /dz-model/dzm_embed_table.asp, dzm_embed_dviewd1.asp, dzm_embed_chart.asp, dzm_embed_latestvalues.asp
** /dz-view/dzv_embedcommon.asp, dzv_data.asp
** /js/publish.js
* August 24, 2015
** Full release of Tag:NDD_VALUES - Add support for non-numeric values (NNVs) throughout. Including: NA (Not Available), ND (No Data), NDD (Non-Disclosable Data).
* May 27, 2015
* SVN TAG https://svn_ip:8443/svn/lmt/dz/trunk/CHECKPOINT_31OCT2015_RELEASE_5082
** Full release of Tag:EMBED_SCROLL_LOCK - Setup controls allowing user to prevent scroll bars (by overflow clipping) when they show up unexpectedly.
* SYSTEM_ANNOUNCEMENT_REQUIRES_LOGIN - suppress if not logged in
* MCB Added a hint to explain the "Find on Page" filtering
* NGP/SNC Many keytips
** publish\gettingdata* functionalized
** refactoring into new file dzv_datasources.asp
* DROP_CLEANUP - light up the target on dragenter, desensitize rest of page
* DFWA Testimonial
* MCB LV_MORE_COLS_CALCS - Added some enhancements (more columns and calculations) to LatestValue embeds to support Delaware LMI.
* MCB EMCTOOL_OVERHAUL - A larger scale overhaul of the embed tools to standardize and simplify them as well as add 2 new tools (email and sms sharing).
* April 10, 2015
** Version 2.0 is now the default for all new accounts
** DZMINUTE videos at screencast.com
*** dZDot_DnD_Simple, Install_dZDot_FF, Install_dZDot_Chrome
SNC 30OCT2015 - Released before FULL POINT RELEASE, but just documenting now
* March 24, 2015
** ComputeCloud enhancements
* MCB/SNC 13OCT2015 :: 90% -> 80% Number of points to match when comparing series by data (if title not found). Updated to accommodate some BEA changes.
*** Added the new SetFreq() and RoundTo() XPL functions the Compute Cloud's function reference manual.
* MCB 05OCT2015 CLEANSE_MISMATCHED - Added functionality to remove frequency mismatched series when saving a Table or DataBlock.
*** Added some existing functions to the manual which had not been documented: Round(), Trunc() and PerConvert()
* Error message crash at line 160 when no RW_HOSTS
*** Added two new XPL functions for use with the ComputeCloud: SetFreq() for fully flexible periodicity conversion, RoundTo() for rounding a number/series to a given precision.
*** New 'Suggestions' within the ComputeCloud to make use SetFreq() whenever you've checked a single series.
* SNC 11SEP2015 - confirm page bot bar malformed
** Full release of Tag:CHART_SCATTERBUBBLE_AXES_FIXUPS - Set display labels for X & Y axes (in Scatter Plots and Bubble Charts) to be the series label for 1st X & Y Series (+ normal units and multiplier).
* SNC 11SEP2015 - account creattion remove "log in" button
** Full release if Tag:DVIEWD1_FOOTERS
*** allow footer edit in tab context
*** size footer correctly when extra line added for forced attibution (e.g. alexa.com)
** February 3, 2015
** Allow charts with no series to be viewed so they can be deleted.
MCB 28-30OCT2015 - Released to Hydra(MBDCAD only)
* January 16, 2015
** Fixed bubble chart size scaling issues caused by NA and/or 0 weights bubbles and added dashed outline to negative weight bubbles (plotted as absolute value).
* Changed Files:
** Fixed a bug which prevented the "Save" button from being enabled when series were added to or removed from an embed.
** /css/dz_styles.css
** /data/messagesvc.asp
** /dz-model/dzm_embed_table.asp
** /js/dview.js, util.js
MCB 28OCT2015 - Release to Hydra(MBDCAD only)
* LV_MORE_COLS_CALCS - Added some enhancements (more columns and calculations) to LatestValue embeds to support Delaware LMI.
* Changed Files:
**/dz-model/dzm_data.asp, dzm_embed_chart.asp, dzm_embed_dviewd1.asp, dzm_embed_latestvalues.asp
**/dz-view/dzv_chart.asp, dzv_embedcommon.asp, dzv_latestvalues.asp, dzv_table.asp
**/inc/dz_consts.asp, dz_util.asp
**/js/jquery/act_chart_menu.js, act_embedcommon.js, act_latestvalues_menu.js, act_table_menu.js
**/popover/mydz-chart-menu.asp, mydz-latestvalues-menu.asp, mydz-table-menu.asp
MCB 20OCT2015 - Release to Hydra(MBDCAD only)
* EMCTOOL_OVERHAUL - A larger scale overhaul of the embed tools to standardize and simplify them as well as add 2 new tools (email and sms sharing).
* Changed Files:
** /css/dz_styles.css
** /dz-model/dzm_embed_chart.asp, dzm_embed_dviewd1.asp, dzm_embed_latestvalues.asp, dzm_embed_table.asp
** /data/messagesvc.asp
** /dv-model/dzm_embed_chart.asp, dzm_embed_dviewd1.asp, dzm_embed_latestvalues.asp, dzm_embed_table.asp
** /dz-view/dzv_account.asp, dzv_chart.asp, dzv_dviewd1.asp, dzv_embedcommon.asp, dzv_latestvalues.asp, dzv_main.asp, dzv_table.asp
** /inc/dz_consts.asp, dz_util.asp
** /js/util.js
** /js/jquery/act_embedcommon.js, Depticated_EMC_MorphToPopup.js
** /landing/DZ-LandingPageBEANewDZ3.asp, DZ-LandingPageBLDGPERMITS_DZ2.asp, DZ-LandingPageGovData.asp, DZ-LandingPageHousingVacancyAndHomeOwnership.asp, DZ-LandingPageLEHD.asp, DZ-LandingPageNCI.asp, DZ-LandingPageNewResidentialConstruction.asp, DZ-LandingPageSECEdgar.asp, DZLandingTemplate_1.asp
** /mdDZ/dfront.asp
** ../HelperFunctions/MBWHelper.asp
* New Files:
** /popover/EMCTools.asp
** /img/LoadingBar.gif, Graber.gif, EMCT-About-Dark.png, EMCT-About-Light.png, EMCT-Download-Dark.png, EMCT-Download-Light.png, EMCT-Email-Dark.png, EMCT-Email-Light.png, EMCT-Embed-Dark.png, EMCT-Embed-Light.png, EMCT-Follow-Dark.png, EMCT-Follow-Light.png, EMCT-Mirror-Dark.png, EMCT-Mirror-Light.png, EMCT-PDF-Dark.png, EMCT-PDF-Light.png, EMCT-PNG-Dark.png, EMCT-PNG-Light.png, EMCT-Share-Dark.png, EMCT-Share-Light.png, EMCT-SMS-Dark.png, EMCT-SMS-Light.png, EMCT-Viewer-Dark.png, EMCT-Viewer-Light.png, EMCT-CaptchaAudio.png, EMCT-CaptchaReload.png, EMCT-CaptchaText.png
MCB 03SEP2015 - Release to Zoa/Hydra
* Quick fix for Cal Lutheran Mirror adding exception for pasting_to_excel() in dzv_senders_buttonbar()
** dzv_main.asp
SNC 30AUG2015 - Release to all
* SNC 30AUG2015 - DZBOARD_SUPPRESS_UNDEFINED - would sometimes see the word "undefined" inappropriately in dZBoards greeting, password or hint.  Was able to observe, but not reproduce, so the fix is a brute force suppression of the literal "undefined" in gets and sets.
* SNC 30AUG2015 - DZBOARD_NO_DEFAULT_GREETING - functional change so that default greeting is an empty string rather than the name of the board
** dzm_databoard.asp
MCB 24AUG2015 - Release to Zoa/Hydra
* NDD_VALUES - Add support for non-numeric values (NNVs) throughout. Including: NA (Not Available), ND (No Data), NDD (Non-Disclosable Data).
* Changed Files (Comments Only):
** dzm_chart.asp, dzm_data.asp, dzm_dependencies.asp, dzm_embed_chart.asp, dzm_painter.asp
** dzv_chart.asp, dzv_data.asp, (dzv_dview.asp), dzv_embedcommon.asp, dzv_inputgrid.asp, dzv_main.asp, dzv_table.asp
** dz_consts.asp, dz_util.asp
** util.js, jquery.inputGrid.js
** create.asp, format.asp, update.asp
SNC 05AUG2015 - Release to all
* DZDNS_SLASH_BUG - ephemeral (stress related?) problem in global cache where tokens would get polluted with a trailing \ and havoc erupted
** dzdns.asp
* DEDICATED_DZDNS - mods to optionally relieve peers of response forwarding duties
** appproxy.asp dz_consts.asp dzdns.asp
* REAL_LANDING_PAGE - in place but left OFF
** dzv_main.asp dz_init.asp dzv_account.asp Default.asp DZLandingHello.asp dz_styles.css
* HOST_STAMP - to discern responding machine at DZDOMAIN datahydra
** DZLandingTemplate_1.asp dzv_main.asp
* RSG (Ready/Set/Go) upgrade
** dzv_user.asp mainhelp.asp
** gettingpublicdata1.asp refactored to draw_dzdot_description()
* video_side_bar
** dzv_user.asp about.asp
SNC 25JUL2015 - Release to Zoa/Hydra/AWS_WEST/MarketBrowser
* Machines reconfigured
** GLOBAL memcache switched to AWS elasticache
** MBDCZA moved from t2.medium to t2.small b/c GLOBAL cache moved, memory not needed
** MBDCAC moved from t2.medium to t2.large b/c updates too intense
** MBDCZB, MBDCZD, MBDCZE moved from t2.medium to t2.small because CPU underutilized
* TSR Memcache prep (for NOAA)
** New AWS Elasticache
** lib_memcache.vbs optimized for larget lists
** New lib_tsrmemcache.vbs
** Refactor of tsrlib.vbs to forward and legacy (MCB to adapt and release)
* Networking SSL Termination moved to ELB
** www.datazoa.com
** www.tsresolver0.com
* Full certificate chain added to ELB SSL
** www.marketslate.com (Android problem)
* Backups
** BK1 (MBDC61) and BK2 (MBDC66) upsized to 250GB
** 7 day rolling implemented for Mommies
SNC 10JUL2015 - Release to Zoa/Hydra (mbdcab)
* added title to prevent crash in javascript .RBO evaluation
* flexible width center msg in te_stripe2
** Files: dzv_main.asp dzv_account.asp
SNC 07JUL2015 - RELEASE to Zoa/Hydra (mbdcab)
* DZINDEXWINDOW_FIREFOX - in FF, clicking on data index in DZ would do nothing if separate data index window was already open but behind DZ.  Now it comes to the front, like Chrome.
* The three data-related controls moved to left side of top bar, message area in between
* "Upgrade" link with gold thumb top left when appropriate
* "Ready Set Go" messaging when no data showing in account
* Calcs watchdog, daemon, and reporting
* Changed Files:
** dz.js dz_utils.asp dzv_user.asp dzv_main.asp dzv_account.asp lib_dynamodb.vbs ddbquery.asp userreport.asp
MCB 18JUN2015 - RELEASE to Zoa/Hydra (mbdcad)
* Fixed a chart function that wasn't using g_cresponse.write causing it's results (tables displayed below the chart) to not be memcached and thus not displayed when the chart was sourced from cache.
* Changed Files:
** dzv_chart.asp
MCB 22MAY2015 (released 27MAY2015) - RELEASE to Zoa/Thena/Hydra (mbdcad)
* EMBED_SCROLL_LOCK - Setup controls allowing user to prevent scroll bars (by overflow clipping) when they show up unexpectedly.
* Changed Files:
** dz_styles.css
** dzm_embed_chart.asp, dzm_embed_latestvalues.asp, dzm_embed_table.asp
** dzv_chart.asp, dzv_latestvalues.asp, dzv_table.asp, dzv_embedcommon.asp
** act_embedcommon.js
SNC 10APR2015 - RELEASE to RELEASE to Zoa/Thena/Hydra
* Version 2.0 is now the default for all new accounts
* DZMINUTE videos at screencast.com
** dZDot_DnD_Simple, Install_dZDot_FF, Install_dZDot_Chrome
** placed in empty dropzone and workbench, new account "What Now" and browser detected popup for missing dzdot
** files: dzm_user.asp dzv_account.asp dzv_dview.asp dzv_main.asp dz_util.asp util.js
MCB 24MAR2015 - RELEASE to Zoa/Thena/Hydra (mbdcad)
* Added the new SetFreq() and RoundTo() XPL functions the Compute Cloud's function reference manual.
* Added some existing functions to the manual which had not been documented:  Round(), Trunc() and PerConvert()
* New Files:
** src/doc/dataZoaComputeCloudReference_v2.2.doc
** dz-web/doc/dataZoaComputeCloudReference_v2.2.pdf
* Changed Files:
** dzv_calc.asp
MCB 23MAR2015 - RELEASE to Zoa/Thena/Hydra (mbdcad)
* Added two new XPL functions for use with the ComputeCloud: SetFreq() for fully flexible periodicity conversion, RoundTo() for rounding a number/series to a given precision.
* Also enabled new 'Suggestions' within the ComputeCloud to make use SetFreq() whenever you've checked a single series.
* New Files:
** src/exe/xpl/dZPerConvert.xpl
* Changed Files:
** src/exe/xpl/site.DZ.xpl
** dzv_calc.asp
** dzm_dependencies.asp
MCB 17MAR2015 - RELEASE to THENA/HYDRA (mbdcad)
* CHART_SCATTERBUBBLE_AXES_FIXUPS - Set display labels for X & Y axes (in Scatter Plots and Bubble Charts) to be the series label for 1st X & Y Series (+ normal units and multiplier).
* Flushed out support for SVG Translation, Scale and Skew transformations to be useable (previously existed only as a framework with no functionality).
* Per Jay: Small text change to ContactUs.asp form prompts to remove restricting text.
* Changed Files:
** dzc_chart.asp
** dzm_chart.asp, dzm_embed_chart.asp, dzm_painter.asp, dzm_vectorg.asp
** dzv_chart.asp
** act_embedcommon.js
** mydz-chart-menu.asp
** allow footer edit in tab context
** size footer correctly when extra line added for forced attibution (e.g. alexa.com)
** Files: mydz-dviewd1-menu.asp dzm_embed_dviewd1.asp
** if conflict, first try some number bumps, then give up and try bracket bumps
** Files: databoardsvc.asp
SNC 12MAR2015 - RELEASE to ATHENA/HYDRA (mbdcab)
* Start BLSBULK from .cmd, with restartability
* RECYCLE_DZEPHYRS - kill and restart every day at 0:37
Files:  DZALLFAC.cmd
* Get ALL .xpl files (for includes of new capabilities)
** Files: DZLLFAC.cmd
* TOO_MANY_AFF - message 207 overwhelm from QWI update failures
** Files: tsrproxy.asp
MCB 12MAR2015 - RELEASE to THENA/HYDRA (mbdcad)
* Added a new 'Contact Us' page within the dataZoa framework and started using it within the Upgrade page.
* New Files:
** /about/ContactUs.asp
** /img/ExclamationMark.gif
* Changed Files:
** dzv_account.asp
SNC 10MAR2015 - Complete POINT RELEASE to Zoa
SNC 10MAR2015 - RELEASE to ATHENA/HYDRA (mbdcab)
* BLSBULK_EXCLUDE_ANNUAL - annual data was getting replaced with monthly by bulkload because BLS Series IDs are the same.
** Avoid updating during blsbulk
** DO update during normal pollcycle
* ALLOW_SHORTENING during a pollcycle - as an argument to pollcycle.asp, to repair the data above, because annual
** Files: dzm_data.asp blsbulk.asp create.asp pollcycle.asp
SNC 10MAR2015 - RELEASE to ATHENA/HYDRA (mbdcab)
* DATABLOCK_FIXUPS - killcache on hidefoot toggle
* DATABLOCK_FIXUPS - development lines not commented outdzv_dview1.asp dzv_databoard.asp
** Files: dzv_embedcommon.asp dzv_dviewd1.asp dzv_databoard.asp databoardsvc.asp
* added lehd.ces.census.gov to excludedurls.txt (until fixed)
* AANDREWS_BILLIONS (integer overflow in formatting when WHOLE > maxint and decimals still requested)
** File: dzv_data.asp (one liner guard)
* FIX_PULLDOWNS_IN_DZBOARDS - Commented out use of JQuery UI's disableSelection() function. This was used by looking at other's examples of dragging with the thought that it prevented text selection during a drag event. Instead it seems to prevent the default action of pulldown (select) menus, meaning you don't see the menu of options. Any pulldown menus put in the notes of an embed within a tab/dZBoard fell within the scope of one such call effectively breaking those menus (mostly impacting LMI and Treasury dZBoards we've built).
* Changed Files:
** /js/tfront.js
** /js/jquery/dndreorder.js
SNC 04MAR2015 - RELEASE to ATHENA/HYDRA (mbdcab)
* PREFERRED_VERSION_PV Part 1:  revised quotas and upgrade types
** 2.0 features enabled include slates, datablocks, tabs, calcs, ccui, all new charts, and the profile password changer
* PREFERRED_VERSION_PV Part 2:  allow account opening straight to dZ 2.0 without special privileges and without invitation code
** to utilize, new account link like "http://www.datazoa.com/account/new.asp?uid=dzadmin&reason=aclkv20"
*** if the reason includes "aclk" then no invitation code is demanded
*** if the reason includes "v20" then the new account is automatically dZ 2.0
** Special note for testing on ATHENA - dzv_main.asp has temporarily disabled code that always requires an invitation code on ATHENA
* Files:  account.asp dz_styles.css databoardsvc.asp dzm_dataslate.asp dzm_dependencies.asp dzm_dview.asp dzm_embed_chart.asp dzm_user.asp dzv_account.asp dzv_calc.asp dzv_dataslate.asp dzv_main.asp dz_consts.asp dz_util.asp profile.asp mydz-calcs.asp
* MAYBE_EDIT_FORMULA - now shows a blue flask for series with formulas in the hover-revealed series gear
* Files:
** dzv_calc.asp dzv_main.asp dzv_account.asp dzv_dview.asp
* Finally released the PayloadAsJSON optional argument to the SeriesGet API function (which had been written a long while back).
* This included an updated revision number and documentation to go with it.
* New Files:
** DataZoaAPIv1.7.doc, DataZoaAPIv1.7.pdf
* Changed Files:
** apimain.asp
** dzv_publish.asp
* 03FEB2015  Tabs upper right tab crowding
* Files:
** dzm_data.asp dzv_databoard.asp appproxy.asp dz_util.asp
* Corrected a few small HTML errors (missing end tags and colspans done up like css style) within the code for dZBoards/Tabs for better validation.
* Changed Files:
** dzv_databoard.asp
* Allow charts with no series to be viewed if only so they can be deleted.
* Changed Files:
** dzm_chart.asp, dzm_embed_chart.asp
** dzv_dviewd1.asp, dzv_embedcommon.asp, dzv_latestvalues.asp, dzv_table.asp
** mydz_chart_menu.asp
* START_AT_TAB1 (not tab 3!)
* TAB_ADD_AFTER_MAX (not just num + 1!)
* ADD_EMBED_TO_BOARD_REPAINT (was missing its repaint after adding an embed to tab)
* Files:
** tfront.js databoard.js
* DISPLAY_DRAG_WORKED_ONLY_ONCE - cross-browser dragger issues
* DD_EMBEDS_NOT_CLONING - D&D embeds were always making references, not copies
* safety return on series_recs in dz_util
* consolidated IP checking logic in authsender (NEEDS TESTING)
* AWS_SES - messages now sent from canonical domain for "from" and true user for "reply-to"
* tooltips now have small activation delay, but faster easing
* Changed Files:
** tfront.js util.js
** MBWHelper.asp
** dz_util.asp authsender.asp
* Changed height/width set in internal full-embed metadata for charts to be full iframe sizes. Modified several locations in JavaScript where iframe dimensions were being edited to edit both attribute and style.
* The goal of all this was to prevent scroll bars which were suddenly appearing when viewing embeds within a dataZoa account (largely limited to charts in Chrome).
* Changed Files:
** databoard.js, tfront.js, util.js, /jquery/act_embedcommon.js
** dzv_chart.asp
SNC 27JAN2015 - RELEASE to datazoa, datahydra, datathena
* CCUI_HYDRA Pass along User-Agent to responding machine, because it may be MarketBrowser, which implies relaxed rules for factory
* sysmsgarea max-width: 20em;
** files update.asp dz_util.asp appproxy.asp dzv_main.asp dzv_embedcommon.asp dzm_dependencies.asp
==='''20150123 ("2.0 ALPHA") RELEASE TODO/CHECKLIST'''===
* Install SSL capable FTP on all (\mbdc\scripts\iis75ftp.cmd BOTH)
* Update MBDCAA Clone
* Convert Clone architecture to 64
* Convert MBDCZI architecture to 64
* Convert TEST-TSR1 arch to 64
* DONE MBDCZA change C1 Med (2/5/1.7:$.21) to T2 Med(2/x/4:$.07)
* DONE MBDCZB change small to T2 Med(2/x/4:$.07) so 1Gb memcache is OK
* DONE MBDCAC change M1 Small (1/1/1.7:$.07) to T2 Med(2/x/4:$.07)
* DONE SVN Create tag copy
** \dz\tags\CHECKPOINT_23JAN2015_RELEASE_4491
* DONE Update TESTPRIV per notes
** DONE In SQL, change all ALPHA users (TESTPRIV:-30) to BETA (TESTPRIV:-40)
** DONE CHANGE AND COMMIT THE testprivs when satisfied
*** DONE CALCS 1.0 to BETA
*** DONE Nothing at INTERNAL
* DONE Release consistent SAFEMODE for ComputeCloud (see \src\exe\xpl\README_SAFE.txt)
* DONE Change gcache from 512mb to 1500
* Install SSL capable FTP on all (\mbdc\scripts\iis75ftp.cmd BOTH)
==2015 pre 2.0 Alpha==
* Fixed bubble chart size scaling issues caused by NA and/or 0 weights bubbles and added dashed outline to negative weight bubbles (plotted as absolute value).
* Changed tester privileges required for categorical bar charts and all of associated chart version 3.0 features from Alpha to Beta (so that users already with access will keep it).
* Changed Files:
** dzm_chart.asp, dzm_painter.asp, dzm_embed_chart.asp
** dzv_chart.asp
* Fixed a bug which prevented the "Save" button from being enabled when series were added to or removed from an embed.
* Changed Files:
** act_embedcommon.js
MCB 05JAN2015 - RELEASE to THENA/HYDRA (mbdcad)
* A lot of code changed with the goal of enabling XYZData specific for Scatter Plots (and laying the ground for Bubble Charts).
* This is a 1st draft with the main area that I want to address (change) is how the chart editor is updated with changes (needs to be more generic and all encompassing).
* Changed Files:
** dz_styles.css
** dzc_chart.asp
** dzm_chart.asp, dzm_embed_chart.asp,dzm_painter.asp, dzm_vectorg.asp
** dzv_chart.asp, dzv_embedcommon.asp
** act_embedcommon.js
** data-embed-menu.asp, mydz-chart-menu.asp, mydz-dviewd1-menu.asp, mydz-latestvalues-menu.asp, mydz-table-menu.asp

Revision as of 09:32, 17 January 2017


  • November 7, 2016
    • Added new Census: Small Area Health Insurance Estimates (SAHIE) source to the data index.
  • October 19, 2016
    • Fixed the issues with displaying PublicPages with proper and "pretty" URL in the browser address bar
    • Improvements to PDFs/PNGs rendered via the "Snapshot" tool for embeds.
    • ALPHA release of Tag:RESPONSIVE_DESIGN.
  • September 20, 2016
    • CORS enabled at servers.
    • Timing update to BLS Bulk loader
    • Fixed the AFF connector to adjust for discrepencies introduced in table S1501 with the 2015 data.
    • Modified the MarketBrowser data source to not use a date range but instead to be open ended (get all data) by default. Also titles now include the ticker's "long name".
    • Put current grouplist name in prompt as default text when renaming (easier for editing).
  • July 25, 2016
    • Full release of Tag:EXACT_MATCH_COLUMN_DATES fix, forcing monthly data to first of month.
  • July 7,2016
    • Full release of Tag:ESCAPED_AMP_CAUSING_HAVOC - Occasionally 1 or more &s in reembed_str are escaped to & breaking some search logic. Added accounting for this possibility.
  • June 20, 2016
    • Full release of Tag:LV_ND_FORMATTING - Restructured handling of NVVs a bit to enable display formatting of NDs (which have a legacy display of an empty string).

  • June 16, 2016
    • Full release of Tag:LESS_VERBOSE_API_ERRORS - Small changes to how API converts series uids into keys so as to be less verbose with certain errors and more efficient.
  • May 31, 2016
    • Full release of Tag:LATEST_XSECT_DATE - Allowing new keyword "LATEST" signifying we need to auto set most recent date in use upon init.
      • Changed definition of a crosssection display to be when we've received a xsect date AND multiple group lists.
      • This allows for using xsect with non-cross-section displays in which case it will apply to all rows (rather then each possible using its own date).
      • Note: When auto setting xsect date we lose some leaf loading optimizations for cross-sections and must load leaves twice for non-cross-sections.
      • Note: Generaly using keyword "LATEST" with a non-cross-sectional display is not recommended; use only when needed to force all rows to the same date.
    • Full release of Tag:SERIALIZED_MULTI_REQUESTS - API enhancements which allow for sending up multiple series (for creation/replacement) serialized (delimited by "##SPLIT##") instead of or in addition to in parallel (multiple columns). The goal is make it easier for developers to send groups of series up at once without needing to spend computing time to "line them all up".
      • Standardized exposed delimiter to generic ##SPLIT## (case insensitive) from #URLSEP# and xSPLITx (but still accepting legacy xSPLITx for crosssections).
      • Bummped API version up to 1.8.0 (from 1.7.2)
    • Small fix to AFF converter to have PEPANNRES table go back to using old code, which included some special case processing and yielded different results.
    • Full release of Tag:NDD_BLSHASHSTR - Added special handling of BLS tagged NDD values in NNV processing.
    • Delete series moved up from submenu because too hard to find.
    • Full release of Tag:..._ORPHAN_ISSUES - Fix an issue in which default was to allow series duplication which caused a number of problems (cross linked series, mis-matched key/filename, orhpaned files for originals). New default is to prevent duplication (with a message).
    • Full release of Tag:LV_TEMPLATING_EXTDATACOLS - Added ability to template external data columns via new "altextsrc" arg (like glname for templating primary data, and with xSPLITx delimiters like cross-sections).
    • DZDOT_OPERA_SUPPORT - dZ-Dot now supports Opera browser.
  • February 8, 2016
    • Full release of Tag:UNCHECK_DATESACROSSTOP - Prevent precheking of "Date Across Top" option in the embed download tool when there's so much data and it will fail. Users can still modify the range and then check it.
  • January 15, 2016
    • Full rlease of Tag:NNV_TEST_FAILING - Fixed some issues in which the new fast NNV tests were not properly matching actuall NNV values resulting in a host of issues (dzm_data.asp, dz_util.asp).
    • Full release of Tag:CODE_BREAKING_EDITORS - Stripped HTML code for "Row Settings" options for easier row identification.


  • December 20, 2015
    • Full release of Tag:RESERVED_FOLLOWING_BUG
    • Full release of Tag:RENAME_GL - Added link to rename grouplists withing GL Editor
    • Full release of Tag:ALLOWREPLACEMENT_II
      • New entry on Update button to allow series replacement
      • New help on upload/update panel explaining replacement, with pictures
      • Tests to prevent mismatch of "allow Replacement" and presence of series keys in input
  • November 19, 2015
    • Full release of Tag:EMCTOOL_FIXUPS - IE Download Bug + EMCTool Context Issues - Ensure we're passing template alternates around as needed to display/share/export the correct thing.
    • Full release of Tag:EMCTOOL_OVERHAUL - A large scale overhaul of the embed tools to standardize and simplify them as well as add 2 new tools (email and sms sharing).
    • Full release of Tag:LV_MORE_COLS_CALCS - Added some enhancements (more columns and calculations) to LatestValue embeds

  • September 3, 2015
    • Quick fix for dZ-Mirror adding exception for pasting_to_excel() in dzv_senders_buttonbar()
    • Tag:DZBOARD_NO_DEFAULT_GREETING - functional change so that default greeting is an empty string rather than the name of the board
  • August 24, 2015
    • Full release of Tag:NDD_VALUES - Add support for non-numeric values (NNVs) throughout. Including: NA (Not Available), ND (No Data), NDD (Non-Disclosable Data).
  • May 27, 2015
    • Full release of Tag:EMBED_SCROLL_LOCK - Setup controls allowing user to prevent scroll bars (by overflow clipping) when they show up unexpectedly.
  • April 10, 2015
    • Version 2.0 is now the default for all new accounts
    • DZMINUTE videos at screencast.com
      • dZDot_DnD_Simple, Install_dZDot_FF, Install_dZDot_Chrome
  • March 24, 2015
    • ComputeCloud enhancements
      • Added the new SetFreq() and RoundTo() XPL functions the Compute Cloud's function reference manual.
      • Added some existing functions to the manual which had not been documented: Round(), Trunc() and PerConvert()
      • Added two new XPL functions for use with the ComputeCloud: SetFreq() for fully flexible periodicity conversion, RoundTo() for rounding a number/series to a given precision.
      • New 'Suggestions' within the ComputeCloud to make use SetFreq() whenever you've checked a single series.
    • Full release of Tag:CHART_SCATTERBUBBLE_AXES_FIXUPS - Set display labels for X & Y axes (in Scatter Plots and Bubble Charts) to be the series label for 1st X & Y Series (+ normal units and multiplier).
    • Full release if Tag:DVIEWD1_FOOTERS
      • allow footer edit in tab context
      • size footer correctly when extra line added for forced attibution (e.g. alexa.com)
    • February 3, 2015
    • Allow charts with no series to be viewed so they can be deleted.
  • January 16, 2015
    • Fixed bubble chart size scaling issues caused by NA and/or 0 weights bubbles and added dashed outline to negative weight bubbles (plotted as absolute value).
    • Fixed a bug which prevented the "Save" button from being enabled when series were added to or removed from an embed.