Radical Concepts

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Dealing with time series?  dataZoa will change your life.

dataZoa is all about connections. Data flows like water;
from real world sources
through calculations, tables, charts,
on to presentations, spreadsheets, even a live chart on your smartphone.
and whenever the least thing changes, everything that should happen just happens, automatically.



Here's what you need to know...</b>

  • When you work with open data from <b>Web sources</b> (like the UN, EIA, BLS, Kids Count, etc.):

  • When you work with <b>your own data</b> series:
    • Your series are fully <b>harmonized</b> as well - they work together, along with Web data
    • As you add or update values, your calculations and displays <b>update automatically</b>.

  • More generally:
    • <b>Save</b> many, many, many, many, many, many <b>hours</b> of data drudgery
    • You <b>never forget</b> a thing - your analyses, tables and charts stay in sync with the data behind them
    • Your work goes <b>right where you want it</b> - phone, Web, email, blogs, open or restricted
    • <b>No programming</b> - if you can use a spreadsheet you can use dataZoa