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Revision as of 13:10, 7 December 2016 by SNC (Talk | contribs)

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/* Any JavaScript here will be loaded for all users on every page load. */
/* Global overrides for styling */
$('#mw-head').height('80px'); // horrible temporary kludge for chrome
/* stop wasting space */
// js for changing the image
if($('.changeimage').length > 0) {
var image = $('.changeimage');
image = image[0]; = "url("; = "0px 0px"; //change the first number for horizontal positioning, the second number for vertical = "no-repeat"; = "600px"; = "200px";
// Load images from OUTSIDE the wiki -- needs some kludges...
// js for imgSnippet (show a shifted part of a foreign image)
// Model: <div class="imgSnippetWrap1"><div class="imgSnippet " data-styler="{ view: nnn, styler: '...stylestr...'  }"></div></div>
// Copy the View string from Decorator.asp
//var g_althost = ''; // set to e.g.
var g_althost = '';
$('.imgSnippet').each( function() {
	var elem = $(this);
	eval( "var styler = " +'styler'));
	elem.addClass( 'decoratorView' + styler.view);
	// watermark reminder when under development
	if ( g_althost.toLowerCase().indexOf('') < 0 ) { elem.text('     ' + g_althost); elem.css('color','orange'); elem.css('font-weight','bold'); elem.css('font-size','xx-small'); } 
// workhorse for imgWhole, loads a foreign image (after page load, to avoid MediaWiki limitation)
// for elem, takes an attr called data-guts, which is a string that evals to an object, slaps it into the elem itself 
imgWholeFunc = function( elem ) {
	if ( undefined === elem.attr('style') ) { elem.attr('style',''); } // assert a style attr
	eval( "var guts = " +'guts')); // get the string for attr data-guts
	if ( undefined !== guts ) {
		elem.attr('title', guts.title);
		elem.attr('style', elem.attr('style') + ' ' + 'background: transparent url(' + g_imgWholeHost + guts.url + ') scroll 0px 0px;  background-repeat: no-repeat; ');
		elem.attr('style', elem.attr('style') + ' ' + guts.xtraStyle);
// Model: <div class="imgWholeWrap1"><div class="imgWhole " data-guts="{ url: '...', xtraStyle: '...stylestr...'  }"></div></div>
// example to insert an icon from 
// <div class="imgWholeWrap1"><div class="imgWhole " data-guts="{ url: '/img/Hint.png', title: 'Hint example', xtraStyle: ' min-height: 16px; min-width: 16px;'  }"></div></div>
var g_imgWholeHost = "" // where are the images from?
// generic
$('.imgWhole').each( function() { imgWholeFunc($(this)); });
$('.pageSnippet').each( function() { pageSnippetFunc($(this)); });
// for imgGlyph24 class 
// e.g. <div class="imgGlyph24 imgIdea"></div> to insert a lightbulb
$('.imgIdea').each( function() { $(this).attr("data-guts","{ url: '/img/3_idea24.png', title: 'A tip for you...', xtraStyle: '' }"); imgWholeFunc( $(this) ); });
$('.imgWarning').each( function() { $(this).attr("data-guts","{ url: '/img/58_warn24.png', title: 'Warning!', xtraStyle: '' }"); imgWholeFunc( $(this) ); });
$('.imgConcept').each( function() { $(this).attr("data-guts","{ url: '/img/81_BlueFlag24.png', title: 'Important Concept...', xtraStyle: '' }"); imgWholeFunc( $(this) ); });
$('.imgDisambiguate').each( function() { $(this).attr("data-guts","{ url: '/img/80_YellowFlag24.png', title: 'Disambiguate...', xtraStyle: '' }"); imgWholeFunc( $(this) ); });
$('.imgCellYes').each( function() { $(this).attr("data-guts","{ url: '/img/82_GreenFlag24.png', title: 'Disambiguate...', xtraStyle: '' }"); imgWholeFunc( $(this) ); });