Automatic Updates
From dataZoa Wiki
Time series are all about change. dataZoa is built to recognize changes and propagate them wherever appropriate.
From the Web
- When you drag-and-drop data series into dataZoa from other sites around the Web, we monitor for changes and make updates accordingly.
- For sites with important and closely watched data release schedules, we sync up as quickly as we can while trying not to be overly demanding.
- There are many nuances and details in the updating process, but generally speaking we check for changes everywhere at least once a day.
- Despite all appearances, we do not have magic powers. When you have uploaded your own data you will need to keep it up to date by updating it or re-loading.
- If you are officially responsible for some particular data, encourage your colleagues to follow it in dataZoa rather than making copies!
- Don't forget to preserve your series keys if you re-load your data. That's how your displays and calculations stay up to date.
- Changes to data in your account which is not owned by you but is rather shared with you (or followed by you) are fully propagated.
- dataZoa displays are not static snapshots. If you embed a dataZoa display into a presentation, the presentation will show the up-to-the-moment state of things.
- Whenever you view a dataZoa display, you are seeing the current state of the data, not a copy of how things were at the time it was created.
- That said, dataZoa does not refresh displays that are currently on screen; the on-screen display stays put until you refresh it.
- If you embed a dataZoa display into a presentation, the presentation will show the up-to-the-moment state of things.