About the dZMirror

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Revision as of 15:55, 8 February 2017 by SNC (Talk | contribs)

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The dZMirror is an add-on for Microsoft Excel that links the cells of an Excel spreadsheet to the cells of a tabular dataZoa display.

The dZMirror

The "dZMirror"
icon appears in the footer of tabular displays if you enable it when creating the display. Anyone viewing your display can use it download the add-in and mirror it into their own spreadsheet.

You can download the dZMirror add-in here.

  • When you send displays and data from dataZoa, you are typically circulating live, automatically updating work.
  • Everyone who sees your displays stays current with your own view.
  • This is very different from the typical "snapshot" approach of sending around files or images.
  • To send a "snapshot" that does not update, just make a PDF and circulate that file.